FCA's staff intranet, "TeamNet", was transitioned and launched to FCA staff, going from Sharepoint to ServiceNow. TeamNet links to various FCA systems CRM, HR system, resources (curriculum), etc. and houses many useful reports (financial, KPIs, etc.) for staff to run for their local area. Going to ServiceNow allowed FCA to combine its support ticketing system, help center and intranet into one.
Menu Navigation Redesign, User Research, Change Management
First Survey
An initial survey was sent through FCA's weekly email to all staff (around 3,000 at the time of survey). Incentives were given: the first 25 staff to complete the survey got $25 towards FCAGear (FCA's apparel store). ​
Scroll through the results:
Second Survey
A second survey was sent out to all the responders of the first survey (395 staff). This survey asked staff about their preferences for menu items/structure. The questions in the survey intentionally included macro categories and micro items to help deduce how staff think when it comes to a menu structure.​
Scroll through the results:
First Survey:​​​​​
Essential but Tricky to Use: With over 10% of staff (396 out of around 3,000) responding on the first survey, we confirmed that TeamNet is an essential website that staff use often, but that it is moderate-difficult to navigate/use for most. This sentiment was also confirmed with a low NPS of 29.
Learning Curve Required: ​"It is relatively easy once a person gets used to it." With the largest segment of responders being 5+ years on staff, the quote above from one of the responders shows that even positive sentiments towards TeamNet may not give an accurate picture of its usability because staff have learned how to use it over time.
Usability Needs Improvement: Responders desire a site that is easier to use with quicker access to important links, a search function that works, and an easier to understand menu structure.
Second Survey:
Top 10 Desired Menu Items:
Links to other systems (CRM, HR, Reimbursements, etc.)
Reports (Financial, KPIs, etc.)
Reimbursement System
Help Center
HR System (ADP)
Staff’s Specific Fundraising Accounts
Volunteer Applications
FCA Resources Website (Curriculum)
Donor List
Top 10 Desired Quick Link Items:
Monthly/Recurring Donations Report
Check Fundraising Account Balance
Volunteer Application Look Up
Staff Planning System
Donation Entry
Constituent Look Up
Certify Local Groups
Reimburse Expenses
Donor Team Tracker Page
Donor/Donation Look Up
My Finances
My Ministry
My Employment
The initial menu structure was developed from the results of the second survey and the capabilities of ServiceNow with external links as menu items. The "Departments" category was a nested mega menu with topics underneath each FCA department. The "Reports" category was one we made sure to keep as it was the second most requested top menu item. The other categories, "My Finances", "My Ministry", and "My Employment", contained mainly external links based on the most selected specific top menu items and most selected quick links by the second survey participants. These needed to be separate from the mega menu structure because ServiceNow could not place in external links as menu items at the time.
The number one most requested top menu item, "Links to other systems," was naturally placed under ServiceNow's web applications widget, which allows users to favorite and search through all external applications. This widget was placed towards the top of the homepage and was also accessible through the "My Favorites" feature near the user profile link in the top right.
User testing was done two weeks before the product launch date. Due to ServiceNow's restrictions with embedding JavaScript, Loop11 was the best service to use with its browser plugin/extension capabilities. A webinar was held to help prepare the testers, along with a detailed instruction email when the testing was live.
The test was unmoderated and done through an interactive "pop-up" that could be minimized and re-opened during the task that was being completed. After each task was completed, the user indicated how they completed the task/found the item (search bar, menu, scroll down, etc.) and how easy or difficult the task was to complete. The end of the test had the user indicate a Net Promoter Score to compare the new portal to the old one (first survey results).
60 FCA staff completed the user testing with a 92% task completion rate. The NPS of the new portal during testing was 65, well above the NPS of 19 on the old portal.
Many of the testers (48 out of the 60) also gave helpful comments and feedback.
"New TeamNet is very easy to navigate and provides multiple ways to find what you're looking for. I love that we can see and follow our requests/tasks. Like any new system, it will take some time to adjust but I think it's a huge improvement!"
- FCA staff tester
The final product that was launched to FCA staff was overall a success. This was in large due to the amount of quantitative and qualitative data from research and feedback gathered during testing. The information architecture that was put in place successfully surfaced the most important items for users to more quickly access compared to the old portal.