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Brand Development


Each year FCA does a global theme for its content to reach coaches and athletes around the world through several different platforms, campaigns and events during a calendar year. The theme has a unique message and brand each year designed to be relevant to coaches and athletes. This theme shown in particular was developed for 2024.​



Audience Research Lead, Brand Development, Project Manager for Brand Design



To properly develop a relevant theme for 2024, coaches and athletes were surveyed. The surveys went out to high school and college level coaches and athletes. The surveys were qualitative and open ended, with 5 questions on each:


  1. ​What's it like to be a coach/athlete currently?

  2. Why do you coach/compete?

  3. What's one thing you wish people knew about coaching/competing?

  4. What is your greatest challenge as a coach/athlete?

  5. What keeps you motivated?


Below is a slideshow of the full results:

Audience Interviews

Audience Insights 2024 Theme (1).001.jpeg


The survey responses had several common themes:

  • A lot of paired "opposites"

    • Challenging and rewarding, fun and stressful, etc.​

  • Calling/purpose statements​

    • Many coaches and athletes see their sport as a way to impact/give back.​

    • Several coaches and athletes see their sport as a ministry platform.

  • Back to the grind​

    • Compared to 2022 surveys, the 2023 ones had more of a "back to the grind" feel after the "back to normal" excitement post-COVID.​

    • The grind never stops as a coach or athlete.​

  • Content themes​

    • Identity and foundation​

      • Striving to live in the true self vs. small self​

    • Priorities and perspectives

      • Needing a reset on their perspective​

    • Time

      • Trying to find balance in the "24/7" demands​

    • Presence​

      • Striving to be more present ie. "be where your feet are"​

    • Relationships matter​

      • Having a high value on community and support systems​

    • Winning​

      • Desire to redefine winning from an unhealthy mindset to a healthy one​



The theme development process goes from synthesizing the audience insights, creating an audience journey, to finally having a one word "theme" with four core concepts. 


Once Upon A Time...

From the "Key Findings" listed in the Audience Research section above, an audience journey was created using a "once upon a time" framework:


Core Concepts


  1. Reset - reset your perspective​

  2. Renew​ - be renewed from a new identity​

  3. Refuel - refuel yourself to overflow with joy ​​

  4. Ready - I am now ready to compete with a new purpose​


Key Journey

From Overwhelmed to Overflowing

2024 Theme = 24/7


With the audience insights that centered on time (never ending grind) and a desire for a new perspective/presence, the theme "24/7" was developed. This theme seeks to challenge coaches and athletes to examine their "24/7" and encourage them with the fact that time is neutral, it's what they fill it with that makes it positive or negative.

*Design executed by Will Bryan Design


The main logo/emblem for "24/7" was created using the numerals "2", "4" and "7" with . The "4" is seen through the use of negative space, which represents the neutrality of time that theme of 24/7 is portraying: what do you fill your time with?

Color Palette

The 24/7 color palette was selected using colors that could visually represent the 24 hours in a day (day, night, sunrise, sunset). I sent a few options to our designer, and this palette was the one our team liked the best, with the most trending colors.

Asset 4_2x.png







The graphics/textures used as further design elements (backgrounds, accents, etc.) point to the journey of 24/7, from overwhelmed to overflowing. The "flowing" concept lent well to waves visuals. 

Mock Ups

247 Shirt@2x.png
247 Hat_2x.png
247 Tumbler_2x.png
dGX Hi-Def.png

© 2024 by Michael de Graaf

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